Language Models: Unveiling the Secrets of Space and Time

Andreas Stöckl
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2023



Language models have been making headlines lately with their impressive capabilities in generating human-like text. But do these models go beyond superficial statistics and learn a coherent model of the data-generating process? A recent research paper titled “Language Models Represent Space and Time” delves into this question, specifically exploring the spatial and temporal representations learned by large language models (LLMs).

The researchers behind the paper conducted a series of experiments using the Llama-2 family of models. They constructed six datasets, including spatial datasets such as the world, US, and NYC places, and temporal datasets like historical figures, artworks, and news headlines. These datasets contained names of entities along with their corresponding space or time coordinates.

To investigate the learned representations, the researchers trained linear regression probes on the internal activations of the entity names at each layer of the LLMs. These probes aimed to predict the real-world location or time of the entities. The performance of the probes was evaluated using standard regression metrics.

The paper's findings shed light on the benefits and limitations of the spatial and temporal representations learned by LLMs. One key observation is that LLMs learn linear representations of space and time across multiple scales. These representations are robust to prompt variations and consistent across different entity types. This suggests that LLMs acquire structured knowledge about fundamental dimensions such as space and time.

Furthermore, the paper identifies individual “space neurons” and “time neurons” within the LLMs. These neurons reliably encode spatial and temporal coordinates, proving that the model has learned and uses these features. This discovery is particularly significant as it demonstrates that LLMs go beyond superficial statistics and learn literal world models.

The researchers also explored the generalization capabilities of the learned representations. They conducted robustness checks by holding out specific data blocks during training and evaluating the probes’ performance on these held-out blocks. The results showed that while generalization performance suffered, it was still better than random, indicating that the probes extracted explicitly learned features. Additionally, the probes largely generalized across different entity types, further supporting the notion of unified representations.

However, it is important to approach these findings with caution. The paper acknowledges several limitations that need to be considered. Firstly, the datasets used in the experiments may not capture the full complexity and diversity of spatial and temporal information. The researchers constructed these datasets from raw data queried from external sources, which introduces the possibility of noise or inaccuracies.

Another limitation lies in the use of linear regression probes. While these probes have proven effective in capturing certain types of information in neural networks, they may not fully capture the complexity of spatial and temporal representations. The paper does explore the use of nonlinear probes, but the performance improvement is minimal. This suggests that spatial and temporal features are represented linearly in LLMs despite their continuous nature.

The issue of generalization and memorization is also addressed in the paper. While the probes demonstrate some level of generalization, the possibility of memorization cannot be ruled out. The paper argues that the probes still extract explicitly learned features, but further analysis is needed to understand better the extent of generalization and the potential for memorization in the representations.

Lastly, the interpretation of individual neurons within the LLMs may not fully capture the distributed nature of the representations. The paper acknowledges that features are likely distributed in superposition, and individual neurons may not be the appropriate level of analysis. Advanced techniques such as neural network dissection or perturbation analysis could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the role of specific neurons in the representations.

In conclusion, the research paper “Language Models Represent Space and Time” offers valuable insights into the spatial and temporal representations learned by LLMs. The findings suggest that LLMs acquire structured knowledge about space and time beyond superficial statistics. However, it is crucial to consider the study's limitations, such as the limited datasets, the use of linear probes, the challenges of generalization and memorization, and the interpretation of individual neurons. Further research and validation are necessary to address these limitations and better understand the true nature of spatial and temporal representations in LLMs.



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University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria / School of Informatics, Communications and Media